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House -343/1, Block - A, Road 18 (West side of Road No. 18) Tilpapara, Khilgaon, Dhaka 1219.


Currently we do not have a transportation system in place. The madrasa is located in an area where the majority of its students reside within close proximity, making it convenient for them to commute to the institution without the need for transportation facilities.

At present, the students primarily come from nearby areas, allowing them to easily access the madrasa by walking or using alternative modes of transportation available within their communities. However, the management of we are attentive to the evolving needs of its students.

Should there be a significant increase in the number of students coming from distant areas, the administration will actively consider the implementation of a transportation system. The introduction of such facilities would aim to support students who face challenges in commuting to the madrasa due to long distances or limited access to transportation options.

We are committed to providing a conducive learning environment for all its students. If the need arises in the future, the madrasa will carefully evaluate the requirements and feasibility of implementing a transportation system to ensure that students from distant areas have equal opportunities to benefit from the valuable education offered at the institution.