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Teaching & Learning Principles

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The teaching and learning principles of Markazuz Zaitunah Al Islami, a madrasa, may include the following:

Qur'an-Centric Education: Markazuz Zaitunah Al Islami places a strong emphasis on the Qur'an as the central source of guidance. The madrasa's curriculum integrates the study and understanding of the Qur'an, promoting its recitation, memorization, and application in daily life.

Authentic Islamic Knowledge: The madrasa focuses on providing students with a comprehensive understanding of Islam based on authentic sources, including the Qur'an and the Sunnah. Islamic studies are taught with an emphasis on accurate interpretation and contextual understanding.

Islamic Values and Morality: Markazuz Zaitunah Al Islami aims to instill Islamic values and moral principles in students. The madrasa promotes honesty, integrity, kindness, humility, respect, and other virtuous qualities, cultivating a strong moral character in students.
Academic Excellence: The madrasa strives for academic excellence while maintaining a strong Islamic foundation. It offers a rigorous academic curriculum aligned with local educational standards, ensuring students receive a well-rounded education in various subjects.

Prayer and Worship: The madrasa incorporates regular prayer and worship into the daily routine, fostering a deep connection with Allah and promoting a sense of spirituality among students. Prayer times are observed, and students are encouraged to develop a personal relationship with Allah through worship.

Individualized Instruction: Markazuz Zaitunah Al Islami recognizes the unique strengths and needs of each student. Teachers strive to provide individualized instruction and support to cater to students' learning styles and abilities, ensuring their academic and spiritual growth.

Character Development: The madrasa places great importance on character development, nurturing students to become responsible, compassionate, and socially conscious individuals. They are encouraged to practice Islamic ethics in their interactions with others, both within and outside the madrasa community.

Tarbiyah (Nurturing): Markazuz Zaitunah Al Islami view education as a holistic process that encompasses the intellectual, spiritual, emotional, and physical development of students. Teachers play a crucial role in nurturing students and creating a supportive learning environment.

Lifelong Learning: The madrasa promotes a love for learning and a commitment to lifelong education. Students are encouraged to seek knowledge beyond the madrasa years and to continue their journey of personal and intellectual growth.
These teaching and learning principles guide Markazuz Zaitunah Al Islami in providing a comprehensive education that combines Islamic teachings, academic excellence, moral values, and community engagement, preparing students to be well-rounded individuals who positively contribute to society.